Monday, May 10, 2010

Self-Publishing Summer Spotlight

Welcome to the first annual Self-Publishing Summer Spotlight!

Self-Publishing is often mentioned, even by me, only as the butt end of jokes in the book blogging world. However, in our digital age, self-publishing has a chance to become (for some very dedicated authors) a viable alternative to a major publishing house. With the ever growing e-book market and the recent introduction of the iPad I believe that self-publishing won't always carry the stigma that it does today.

That being said, I don't think all self-published books are created equal. Since there is no authority doing quality checks there is virtually no way to gather which books are good and which ones are not so good. This is where I come in. I am going to open myself up to submissions of self-published novels and agree to read at least 10 pages of each one. If the 10 pages get my attention I will read more. As I find books that I think are outstanding and deserve more attention I will review them and do my best to publicize them as I would any debut novel. Please read the rules before you submit and leave any comments about you have about this contest!


- Submit your book here

- Submit only in PDF format

- You may send me an email to request my address if you want to send a hard copy (Note: This is strongly discouraged as it will cost you money)

- I will have a button for you to donate to this site please help! (Note: this is not required. Your entry will not be affected by whether you donate or not. I only ask because I am a poor college student and this site costs me about 70 dollars a year to run not including my time.)

- This is only for fun! I am not a publisher or agent nor do I have any connections to anyone in the publishing industry. I am only offering this contest as a chance to spread the word about your book.

- You may only submit original work

- You may only submit a book if this is the first book you have published (hence DEBUT authors)

- Leave any comments or questions in the comments section or fill out a contact form.

- Again, go here to submit!

- Thank you and have fun!!


  1. Very kind of you to offer such a service. Quick question. I have recently completed a crime novel. I have not self published it though, as I am trying to find an agent / publisher for it. Is it eligible to submit for a read though? Thanks, and this is a great site.

  2. I'm going to have to say no. Not because I wouldn't want to read it but more because the purpose of this site is to help people sell their books. So, if I liked yours enough to review it my readers wouldn't be able to go purchase it.
