Thank you for making our first week online so incredibly successful. In one week we have had over 1000 page views, 255 distinct visits and 112 absolute unique visitors. Pretty good for only nine days in the blogosphere! The site can only be successful in the long run with active participation from all of you; one man can’t possibly review all of the debut novels!
Things coming your way this week (hopefully). I plan to read and review Dexter Palmer’s The Dream of Perpetual Motion
which seems to be one of the most interesting debuts out this week. I also just ordered Kimberly Blackadar’s Nothing but Trouble after Midnight
which I will review. I want to host at least one author guest blog talking about their experience as a debut author. Lastly, I emailed Janice Hardy about doing a possible interview so keep your fingers crossed for that one!
Thanks again to all the publishers, authors, agents and bloggers who have participated this week. I’m excited for the future of this website and have big plans for it. So stay tuned and stay involved!
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