Paul Doiron’s The Poacher’s Son is a chilling murder mystery set in rural Maine. The story gets off to a quick start when novice game warden Mike Bowditch receives mysterious message from his estranged father. Mike is informed that his father, a well known poacher, is considered the prime suspect in a double homicide with one of the victims being a cop. As a law enforcement officer, Mike is in position to have intimate access to the case. At first, he is alone in his efforts to prove his father’s innocence until he is joined, in an uneasy alliance, by a retired game warden, Charlie.
Mike’s frantic search for the evidence he needs to exonerate his father forces him to reevaluate his life as a game warden. Doiron offers his readers a unique blend of family strife, internal conflict, and intense action to make his debut an unforgettable journey through Maine’s rugged wilderness. Readers will love his enticing and realistically flawed characters who take them on an emotional roller-coaster they won’t be able to put down. With great characters and page-turning plot development, Doiron is an author to keep an eye on.
The only downside to the book was an extended and obnoxiously graphic sex scene between Mike and his ex-girlfriend. While the sex is necessary for the development of the plot, the in-depth description was not. I am by no means a prude, but it crossed the line for me. That being said, this novel was still a wonderful read and I highly recommend it.
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A twenty-two-year-old University student, Jeff is the founder and coeditor of The Debut Authors Blog. He is an aspiring author and a self-avowed bibliophile. Also, he is not above shameless self-promotion and talking in the third-person.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
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